Monday, March 15, 2010

Ahoy! It's a Boy! Part 2

Update: Here are the invitations that I have made for my cousins baby shower.

Want to make these? 
What you will need: 
navy, yellow and white cardstock                printer with navy ink 
white paint                                                Q-tips
white Hemp or cord                                  double stick tape
                           Martha Stewart anchor punch                             scissors

Cut navy card stock into 1 1/2 thick strips so that it is the size of a grosgrain ribbon.
Next cut off tip of the Q-tip and dip into white paint to make dots. While paint is drying print out invitations.


Use double sided stick tape to attach navy cardstock strip to the invite.

Fold extra behind the invite and tape. Take white hemp and tie it around the invite and make a knot. Make sure you have enough of the string to tie in the anchor. 
(Sorry I don't have a picture of it!)

Next use the tape and put invite on the yellow card stock. (I cut mine into 5x7 pieces)

Take extra string and tie in the anchor. You shouldn't need to knot it.


These were some of the other invitations that I made but decided not to use.


  1. where can i get the template to print? I like the font.

    1. The font is copperplate gothic light and the ahoy it's a boy is in miama
