Can we talk about the Christian Louboutin Barbie?
Leave it to Barbie to show little girls what they can't have.
Firstly, the body... those long spidery legs... totally not fair. I am fine with not having boobs, but having long legs would allow me to be at eye level with others and I think that would be nice.

The clothes! It is not socially acceptable to wear princess dresses all the time. Thank you for allowing me to believe so. I have tried and it is not. Just ask my husband...

Welcome home honey! No I did not clean... I watched tele and searched for jobs all while wearing my wedding dress.
Then the dream house and the sweet car. If I could have an all pink house and car and my husband would be okay with it then believe me I would. Has anyone ever wondered what Ken thinks?
And now custom Christian Louboutins! WTF?
Now I don't mean to sound bitter... I will always love Barbie. (Except that fact that she has 10 million professions and I can't even get a job.) But why does she have to keep popping up (net-a-porter and Perez Hilton) and showing us grown ups that she is just that much cooler.
All photos are from Toys R Us minus the Christian Louboutin one.
Hahahahaha SO TRUE. I would definitely trade my boobs for the long spidery legs. As we are about at the same altitude in life, I feel your pain.