This Summer my high school sweet heart and I tied the knot. But before I show you the fabulous wedding we had, I think it is time for a little show and tell.
Who am I you ask?? If anyone is even reading.... Well my name is Ali. I grew up in Cape Cod, more specifically Bourne. You know right by the bridge also known as the armpit of the Cape. I have four not so little brothers David, Taylor, Kyle, and Ian. I am only 5'2" so THANKFULLY, for my Dad's sake, they are all around 6 feet. Anyway I met Lance when I was 15 at the Kent School, which is a boarding school in Kent, CT. Yes my parents loved me! I actually WANTED to go to boarding school and after marrying my best friend from that boarding school, I am pretty happy I went! So lets fast forward 9 years. (Yes 9! I was on the 5 year plan in College. Please don't judge.) I graduated from my nursing school with a BSN, passed my NCLEX and now I am currently an unemployed RN. You heard it an unemployed nurse. Believe it or not we exist. So on to Lance. Lance is my accountant/ auditor who works for one of the big four accounting firms. He is a smarty pants so he already has both his Bachelors and Masters.
Here is a picture of Lance and myself..
... yes we are hard core.
Now let me tell you about how this adorable accountant decided to make me his wifey. Warning: This is long, I repeat LONG story so if you don't really care then skip it. I put it in grey and I bolded a few KEY points.
On the weekend of July 4th, we went to Nantucket to visit Lance's family. (They rent a house out there.) My parents have been invited every summer, but because of scheduling with my four brothers they were usually unable to make it. However, this summer they said yes. I remember telling Lance that if he was going to propose this should be the weekend because both families would be with us and it would be perfect. Little did I know that he had been planning for a while. Unbeknownst to me he had taken my parents out to lunch and asked if he could marry me. He then took my mom with him to pick out my ring.
Before we left for Nantucket I decided do a little snooping. Luckily for Lance, he knew I would snoop and he asked for a bag to put the ring in. He then hid it under his orthotic. When I didn't find anything I was pretty disappointed. On a very rainy July 5th, he got me to go to Beach #12 saying that his father had told him they built a snack shack on it and I believed him! As we walked over the dunes, Lance was far ahead. I was dragging behind feeling horrible and wondering how they do this to my favorite little beach! I asked if he could see it and then when I got up to the top he was standing there. He waited until I got closer got on his knee and he said the most romantic speech I had ever heard before asking if I would marry him. Of course I said YES!
And a few of engagement photos that my brothers took.

Here is a link to my planning bio . I used this weebly page to help keep all of my thoughts together. If you are interested in some nautical preppy wedding ideas take a look. Now if anyone is still reading, I would like to thank you and would like to let you know that it is time to get ready for the WEDDING!
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